positive, up-beat & family friendly listener supported
What is TiM FM?
TiM FM is Lincoln's family friendly radio station playing positive, upbeat, encouraging Christian hits focused on young families. TiM FMs music was curated locally just for Lincoln. We are not part of a corporate radio group we are local. TiM FM is funded through local listener support and our business partners. Thank you for being part of our listening family!
Our mission is to change the culture in Lincoln to one of positivity and hope with a spirit of giving. We are living real life! We want people to know how a relationship with Jesus Christ can make their life more fulfilling and no matter their past, the best is yet to come! Following Christ is life giving and fun!!
Why TiM FM
1st Timothy 4:12.
Copyright © 2023 TiM FM community funded positive hits station in Lincoln Nebraska. www.duoministries.org All Rights Reserved. TiM FM is a pending Federal trademark of Duo Ministries. (402) 710-9616. P.O. Box 6641, Lincoln NE 68506 - A section 501(C)(3) non-profit. (EIN # 84-3118080) Donations are tax deductible. Ask your tax advisor for details. 888-531-4846
Did you know that TiM FM is listener supported? It takes the financial gifts of listeners like you to stay on the air each month. Currently your TiM FM is underfunded for 2025. You can help for as little as $1 a day ($30 a month/$365 a year)
Will you join our monthly support team?
Click below
send checks to:
P.O. Box 6641
Lincoln, NE 68506
Thank you help us have a positive impact on Lincoln.