Prayer works! Introducing our new prayer wall. Ask for prayer and/or pray for other members of our listening family.
We are giving away 4 ultimate attractions tickets to one lucky family each week. Find out more about Urban Air here:
Urban Air Adventure & Trampoline Park | Lincoln, NE
Click the enter button to register!
Tim FM through our parent ministry, DUO Ministries here in Lincoln Nebraska sponsors and funds the DUO Orphanage in Kampala Uganda. Can you help us with the expenses to feed, keep healthy and educate our kids? If you want more information e-mail and we will answer any questions you may have. All donations are tax deductible.
Register to win a catered lunch for you and your co-workers donated and catered by our friends and supporters at Chick-Fil-A at 48th & O.
You may have noticed that our app in the app store isn't working. For financial and customer service reasons we have changed to the TUNEIN app. Download it from your app store and search TiM FM
TiM FM found me while I was in town (Lincoln) with my daughter for a swim meet. I heard a couple songs and thought- this is dance party music. Yay- but was waiting for the shoe to drop with cuss words or something. It didn’t happen :) then I heard the name and looked it up. Immediately donated ;) I never do that but as a former youth min & now homeschool mom of 7, I’m all about sharing God’s love through mainstream ways… you guys’ rock Oh- I listen on the tune in app. J. Topeka KS.
I support TiM FM because they are using the platform of music to share the Gospel message which is really the only thing in this life that matters! Proverbs 3:27 says "Do not withhold good from those who deserve it when it is in your power to act". I support TiM FM because I have the power to act. Mike Anderson, Anderson Auto Group
We have been excited and privileged to help support TIM FM! The mission of their radio ministry is especially reaching young generations with Christian music and content that is not readily available in other outlets. We are excited as they continue to grow the scope and reach of their radio ministry! Larry Middendorf, CBMC
I believe in the power of music. TiM FM has the platform to provide youth with music they can enjoy that has a more positive and uplifting message. What goes in these young minds will come out in how they interact and treat others in the future. Mitch S.
"TiM FM is a great partner to Lincoln Christian School and our official radio station. Many of our students and young families are TiM FM fans and listeners and they have broadcast live many of our school events and games. I support Tim FM financially because of the positive hope in Jesus Christ they play 24/7 on a local Lincoln radio station." Mark Powell, LCS
"I enjoy listening to TIM FM for the hip hop and rap Artists that put out positive messages, lyrics with some sick beats. that slap, fam" -AY
TiM FM is a part of our ministry here at Child Evangelism Fellowship of Nebraska. They help us to get our message of the Gospel to their audience through music with an upbeat feel. When we have an event, TiM FM helps us to reach the audience we need to help us support our ministry. Without TiM FM, getting our message out would be considerably more difficult. Matt Anderson, CEF Nebraska
TiM FM is a really great radio station that plays great songs. A lot of the other Christian radio stations play more worship music, but I like this better because the songs are faster and there is KB and NF. N.H.
I really enjoy being able to listen to hip hop and pop music without having to sacrifice my faith. Listening to Christian radio helps me focus more on God when I’m dealing with a lot in my life and it’s very encouraging! L.H.
I LOVE TIM FM. I tell EVERYONE about it! A.P.
I listened because it has great positive Christian Music from all genres. M.G.
I've always listened to Christian music. I was scrolling on the radio and TiM FM came on! I was shocked this was even a thing. I've been listening nonstop. I learn while I'm working out, driving, and studying. It's upbeat and rap. but I feel ok and good about listening to it, instead of secular rap music. I have a concert wish list, and I went to NF's concert it was amazing, and saw Lecrae at the Winter Jam, KB is my last one! I'm so excited that he's coming! Anyways, thank you a lot for what you guys do. You are very much appreciated! Thank You! Z.R.
I listen because it is more than just positive and "upbeat"! It changes the atmosphere. I am so thankful to have this station in Lincoln! When I go to Omaha (Elkhorn) to see my grandchildren I would really like to have the signal reach for my drive;) . . . LOVE! T. F.
Great new selection of Christian music. My kids love it too. K.S.
Upbeat Christian music that helps me stay true to my values and not compromise my media choices! M.K.
I enjoy the music; it encourages me throughout the day and it’s more upbeat than other Christian music stations. I like the variety of genres as well. J.O.
We love the encouraging message through music my teens and preteens love (and well, I really like it too;). When the teens in the car say "turn this one up" you know it's good! L.H.
Say "Alexa Play TiM FM on Tunein" or
"Alexa enable the TiM FM Skill"
Download the Tunein app from your app store then search TiM FM
Studio 888-531-4846 (4TiM) Brad & Carol Leggett, Founders 402-710-9616 P.O. Box 6641 Lincoln Nebraska 68506
Copyright © 2025 TIM FM is a community funded Radio & Digital Media company with a mission to build gods kingdom in Lincoln Nebraska.Our parent ministry is All Rights Reserved. TiM FM is A FEDERAL trademark of Duo Ministries. (402) 710-9616. P.O. Box 6641, Lincoln NE 68506 - A section 501(C)(3) non-profit. (EIN # 84-3118080) Donations are tax deductible. Ask your tax advisor for details. Call us at 888-531-4846
Did you know that TiM FM is listener supported? It takes the financial gifts of listeners like you to stay on the air each month. Currently your TiM FM is underfunded for 2025. You can help for as little as $1 a day ($30 a month/$365 a year)
Will you join our monthly support team?
Click below
send checks to:
P.O. Box 6641
Lincoln, NE 68506
Thank you help us have a positive impact on Lincoln.